Saturday, 21 December 2024

The Field Visit Report of the CSIAP in Northern Province by CSA Specialist

The field visit is crucial in various contexts because it provides firsthand information, direct observation, and valuable insights that might not be apparent through desk research or remote work. The field visit on 19th and 20th December 2024 involved travelling to Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu districts of the Northern Province to assess the progress of interventions, gather data, and evaluate their implementation and impact on the ground. During this tour, the CSIAP team assesses project implementation and alignment with plans, identifies challenges and areas requiring improvement, and engages with stakeholders, such as beneficiaries, implementing agencies and contractors.

  • Participants:  Mr. Saman Bandulasena, Project Director, Mr. Frank Jayasinghe, CSA Spe., Mr. Nalaka Attanayake, M&E Spe., Mr. Nissanka, Water Management Spe.Mr. Gamini Subasinghe, ESS Spe., Mr. Samantha Mallawaarachchi, IEC/ICT Spe. of the Project Management Unit of the Climate Smart Irrigated Agriculture Project CSIAP) participated in the field visit   
  •  Visited locations:  Kilinochchi & Mullativu districts
  •  The objective of the visit: To observe the ground-level progress of tank rehabilitation and Agriculture & Marketing programs

Activities carried out        

(1) On 19.12.2024 (Thursday)

During this day, the team visited the following sites and discussed them with the relevant contractors and farmers. The team members' comments and decisions are presented below.

(I)  Grain stores – Koolampuri – Mullativu district 

The following matters were discussed.  As per the Engineer–Building Department,

   (a) The waterproofing painting and fixing of Aluminum doors for windows will be done soon

    (b) In the meantime, DPD – NP requested to fulfil the following additional requirements to ensure the smooth operations of this store successfully.

   -        Construction of security fence (Barb wire) around the store

   -        Establishment of an Elephant fence around the security fence

   -        Construction of Watcher hut 

   -        Construction of Drying floor

   -        Construction of Access Road within inside premises

 The Building Department Engineer said around Rs. 35 Mn will be requested as a total estimate to complete the above works.

In the meantime discussed the successful operation strategy of this store, after completion of all works. The several opinions were raised such as the implementation of a joint venture with a private sector entity or with a farmer company, and carrying out a joint venture program with the collaboration of RRDB bank.

 Also, at the provincial NSC meeting held with the Chief Secretary – NP at Jaffna, it was decided to hand this building over to DOA – NP and further instructed to PD – DOA (NP) to hand over the operation responsibility of this store to identified potential farmer company after signing an agreement.

    (II) Kumara Kulasingham farm - at Keppapilaw village in Mulliyavalai ASC division

           - This farmer has been given Agro-well, Water Pump and Red Onion seeds (bulb) from the project.  

           -He has cultivated Red Onion and Chili in his farm and the Red Onion crop is in the  growing stage and Chilli crop has caught heavy rains and damaged the crop since he has not established CSA mitigation methods. (eg. Not install the raised beds for Chili cultivation).

This farmer requested an Insect Proof net to protect the crops from pest & wild animal attacks.  


  • To establish raised beds for Chilli cultivation with mulching of crops
  • To introduce the Micro Irrigation system to onion cultivation

    (III)  Malini Udaya Kumara farm – at Palampathi village in Oddusudan ASC Division            

-This farmer has been given a Solar pump (1.65 KW) and Maize seeds from the project.                                                                                                                 -She has cultivated Maize, Brinjal and Paddy in his farm. This is a crop-diversified farm.

-The farmer said she is able to save Rs.15000 per month from the fuel cost and the total saving from the fuel will be Rs.50,000 end of the  season which is the higher benefit to her.    -She has invested money to purchase a new tractor for his farm.


  • Use insect-repellent bulbs for brinjal cultivation  

(IV)   Thavakumar farm – at Vaunerikulam in Akkanayar ASC division 

              -This farmer has been given Laser levelling support and Paddy transplanting support from the project.

              -He has done Paddy transplanting using mechanized transplanters (in 6.0 Acres) in Laser levelling Paddy field.

             -The farmer said that this is the first time he carried out Paddy cultivation with Laser levelling and land consolidation. 

Also, he said that, the novel farming practice gives him lot of benefits such as water and fertilizer distribution equally throughout the fields and which leads to higher growth of all plants and be able to get higher yield from the farm. Besides, the use of a Mechanized transplanter for Paddy cultivation gives an opportunity to use Power weeders for weed control, which lands to minimize weedicide costs, which will be Rs.12,000 per acre. 


  • To do the crop-cutting survey and compare the yield variation with the direct seeding method
  •  To  Arrange Exposure visit to this field and share the experience with other farmers

(V) Akkarayan Processing Centre

-Project has given Processing machines (eg. Seed cleaning machines, Ground nut decorticator, Black gram skin remover, Oil Expeller and Grinding machine) to this Centre. 

  -Akkarayan Producer Association runs this Centre by providing services to the members.


  • Efficiently use the machines of this centre and provide benefits for more farmers in this area.

 (2) On 20.12.2024 (Friday) , during this day, our team visited to following places and attend the following discussions.

(I)   Attend to the meeting with Governor – NP 

            -Our team explained the activities carried out by the project and the current progress of the project.

            -The governor insisted on paying more attention when selecting the beneficiaries to provide project benefits.

            -PD, CSIAP informed that the project could assist needy farmers within the project area, and requested the Governor’s support for this program.

(II)  The team attended the Northern Provincial steering committee meeting with the Chief Secretary – NP and discussed the following matters.

  -Handing over the tanks exists over 200 Ac of command area to the PID.  

   -Construction of Mandagal Aru barrage through project funds and preparation of EIA as early as possible with the collaboration of the University or CEA.  

   -Construction of Perawan bridge, to ensure easy access to this area, which leads to improve the Agri produce marketing activities in this area. 

  -Include weather forecasting & Agro met training and Disaster Management training in the NP training plan to enhance the farmers' knowledge of climate change and adapt them to carry out farming activities based on weather patterns.                         

-Updating of Inventories to monitor the farmer equipment issues to project beneficiaries.  

-Instruct the Provincial Director – DOA (NP) to prepare a proposal to take over Koolampuri grain stores and legally hand over to a selected farmer company to ensure its productive utilization.  

           -Establishment of a CSA unit within the Provincial Agriculture Department in NP to continuously carry out CSA programs in  NP after the project completion.   

           -Selected only suitable and potential farmers to carry out the CSA demonstration program in NP, with the assistance of Agriculture                               Instructors.  

           -Establish 20 Nos CSA Demo plots within the NP project area with the collaboration of DOA – NP.

(III)   Santhiya’s farm in Jeyapuram – at Mulankavil ASC division 

          -This farmer has been given a Solar pump, Sprinkler Irrigation unit (1/4 Ac) and Mini tiller from the project.

          -He has cultivated Chili and Capsicum with Sprinkler Irrigation

          -The farmer said he can save Rs.30000 per month as fuel cost, minimize the labour cost for weeding and fertilizer application by using of  Mini tiller for farming.

          -Also, he stressed that he can do the Yala cultivation with minimum water usage due to use of Sprinkler Irrigation for this cultivation and  be able to eliminate the water stress for the plants, which leads to increase equal crop growth and get higher production in future.


  • Advised to install Insect proof net around Chilli & Capsicum cultivation to minimize the pest attack.
  •   Apply straw mulch for the Chilli cultivation to increase water use efficiency
By Frank Jayasinghe, CSA Specialist, PMU, CSIAP