Tuesday 26 November 2019

Demonstrating a Drum Seeder in Ranorawa and Mahanikawewa, Anuradhapura

A demonstration programme on a Drum Seeder was held in Ranorawa and Mahanikawewa cascades in Anuradhapur District under Climate Smart Irrigated Agriculture Project (CSIAP).
Row seeding in paddy field by using Drum Seeder and Eng. Balasooriya is explaining

The major benefit on this system is that the drum seeder itself can be also placed on any type of soil. Then seeding can be done easily , quickly and evenly by this drum seeder. In row seeding, the seeds are sowed in furrows made by the boot of the planter and evenly covered with loose soil to a given depth. This ensures uniform sprouting and plant development and simultaneous maturation.

Eng. Chinthaka Balasooriya of Farm Mechanization Training Centre explained the advantages of using Drum Seeder to farmers.