PMU staff are having a open discussion with participants
Officials representing the Project Management Unit (PMU)ofthe
Climate Smart Agriculture Irrigated Project (CSIAP) introduced Climate Smart Agriculture
(CSA) manual to government officers,who
participated from Provincial and Interprovincial Agriculture departments, on
04th this month at the National Training Center of the Department of Agrarian
Development, Pothuhara, Kurunagala. Government officers were given an
opportunity for open discussion about CSA Manual with PMU officials at the event.
Representing PMU of CSIAP Mr. Sisira Semasinghe, Agriculture Extension specialist, Dr. Priyantha Weerasinghe, Deputy Project Director (Irrigation), Mr. Amal Arunapriya, Institutional Development and Capacity Building Specialist and Mr.V.Mohamed Ameen, Consultant (Financial Management), the World Bank, were at the head table.