Sunday, 19 January 2025

The CSIAP facilitates Agribusiness and Value Chain Development for farmers in EP

      FGD with Arunalu Govi Women Society, FGD with Gomarankadawala Producer Association and FGD with Karadiyanaru Producer Association
As part of the initiative to establish commercially viable business entities from the producer associations identified by the Climate Smart Irrigated Agriculture Project   (CSIAP), a team including Mr Sanjeewa Rodrigo, Agribusiness & Marketing  Consultant, Mr Jagath Seneviratne, M&E Consultant representing the World Bank and  Mr. D. V. Bandulasena, Institutional Development & Capacity Building Specialist and Dr Kumudini Gunasekare, Agribusiness & Market Linkage Development Specialist representing the PMU, CSIAP engaged in focused group discussions (FGDs) with one Producer Society,  “Arunalu Diriya Govi Women Society” in Kithulothuwa and two Producer Associations (PAs) namely Gomarankadawala PA, Karadiyanaru PA  in hotspot areas during a two-day field visit on January 16th and 17th, 2025 to the eastern province.  

 The primary goal of these FGDs was to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) faced by these associations, and to gather their perceptions and preferences on transforming these PAs into legally recognized, commercially viable business entities. A key assessment tool prepared by the consultants was used to rate the associations based on predetermined criteria, providing valuable insights for the next steps.  

These discussions were organized and facilitated by Mr. H. B. Anees, Acting Deputy Project Director, Mr. S. Navendrathas, ID&CB Specialist, Dr. S. M. Hussain, CSA Specialist, Ms. K. Karthiga and M&E Officer along with Agriculture Facilitators at the Deputy Project director’s Office of the CSIAP in Eastern Province. 

Dr. Kumudini Gunasekare, Agribusiness & Market Linkage Development Specialist, PMU, CSIAP