Thursday 23 July 2020

An Awareness Programme on the CSNSHG for Gov.Officers in Buttala

An awareness programme on the Climate Smart Nutrient Sensitive Home Garden (CSNSHG), for officers in Buttala and Welaway Divisional Secretariats Areas, Uva Province was held at the Divisional Secretariats, Buttala on 21st this month.  Climate Smart Nutrient Sensitive Home Garden is a very special programme that has been planned to implement with 2695 women farmers is aiming to increase the nutrition level of the farming families to ensure adequate immunity level to face COVID-19 pandemic. 

Mr. I. H. Dharmasekara, Deputy Project Director, CSIAP is addressing the audience
This program is implemented in all 11 districts to establish 2695 sustainable home gardens applying Climate Smart practices to provide nutrient enrich diet to farmers. CSNSHG is in line with the “Saubagya Gewaththa” implemented by the Ministry of Mahaweli, Agriculture, Irrigation and Rural Development Mr. S. K . Semasinghe, Agriculture Extension Specialist at Project Management Unit and Dr.Y. Ketipearachchi, Agriculture Specialist in Uva Province, CSIAP delivered lectures to educate officers too.

Officers of Department Agriculture (Provincial Uva), Department of Agriculture (Inter Provincial-Uva), Agrarian Services Department (Wellawaya, Buttala, Thelulla) and Divisional Secretariats Offices (Buttala, Wellwaya) attended this programme.

Mr. S. K . Semasinghe, Agriculture Extension Specialist, Mrs. S. M. S. Udayangani, Assistant Director, Department of Agriculture, Mr. H.K. P Jayalath, Deputy Director, Department of Agriculture(Provincial-Uva), Mrs. K, A. R. M, Karunanayakr, Assistant Director (Planning), Divisional Secretariat, Buttala and   Dr. Y. Ketipearachchi, Agriculture Specialist CSIAP were at the head table while Mr. I. H. Dharmasekara, Deputy Project Director, CSIAP is addressing the audience.