Wednesday 9 November 2022

A workshop on training the CSIAP staff to use the FMIS

The Climate Smart Irrigated Agriculture Project (CSIAP) commenced a two-day residential workshop in the Project Management Unit (PMU) this morning (09th) to train the Staff of Accounts Departments working for Provincial Deputy Project Directors’ offices and PMU of the CSIAP to use the Financial Management Information System (FMIS). The CSIAP’s finance and accounts activities will be handled via the FMIS from December 01st onwards. Soft Vision Technologies (Pvt) Ltd designed the finance and account application for the CSIAP. Mr. T.T. Dhayalan, System Analyst and Consultant, Soft Vision Technologies (Pvt) and his team are giving the CSIAP Staff a hands-on experience with the FMIS.