Climate Smart Irrigated Agriculture Project (CSIAP) launched a tree-planting campaign
in the Northern province to encourage people to be eco-friendly citizens and to
ensure a secure ecosystem for the future of Sri Lanka in line with the
government's Sustainable Environmental Policy. Under this, the Deputy Project
Director Office of the CSIAP planted trees with government officials and farmers
on the side of Mullaitivu Main Road (A34), in front of District Agrarian Training
Center, in Oddusuddan, Mullaitivu recently.
planting more trees in the country as a climate
friendly project, it will contribute our part to global reforestation
efforts, restoring lost forests, repairing damaged ecosystems and mitigating
climate changes. Planting new trees again and again will help to combat global warming
by absorbing carbon dioxide, removing and storing carbon while releasing oxygen
back into the air.
staff of CSIAP as well as officials at implementing agencies, farmers took part
in the program by planting saplings together with army officials and doctors. During
the above event, activities of the CSIAP being implemented and to be implemented
were briefly explained to participants. The CSIAP is expecting to repeat the
same programme in the other areas where the project being implemented.